The Waterhole

‘The Waterhole’ – a collaboration with Nundah Village & Nundah State School

Through a series of art workshops, Nundah Village has proudly partnered with Nundah State School to create an inspiring art mural to represent our local area.

When our artist asked the students, ‘what does *Nundah mean’, they were quick to reply, ‘waterhole’. What could be more relevant and appropriate than a mural named & created by this generation to remember, reimagine, and celebrate the community in which they live.

Workshops were held with the students and our local Brisbane mural artist, James Alley, to help inspire and create a theme and vision for this mural. The curious and creative minds of these talented students have collaborated to capture the landscape, people and activities enjoyed by past and present generations of our Nundah community.

This community inspired mural is painted on the wall located along the travellator at Nundah Village. ‘The Waterhole’ mural will be a piece of local art for everyone in the community to enjoy!



Watch how the students of Nundah State School helped define the concept and design of ‘The Waterhole’ through storytelling and drawings! We asked students what they love about Nundah? What does Nundah mean to them? And what they love doing at Nundah?

You can keep up with the progress of the project by visiting our website and Facebook Page @nundahvillage where we will be posting regular updates!

*Nundah- Indigenous name meaning water-holes or lagoons.